Divorce Lawyer White Bear Lake, MN
Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC are the premier divorce lawyers in the White Bear Lake, MN area. We handle a variety of family law cases focusing particularly on divorce. Our Minnesota divorce attorneys understand that deciding to divorce is never an easy one, and is usually followed by several equally difficult decisions involving children, property, and finances. We can help you and your family makes decisions, reach agreements, and move forward through this difficult time.
Our family law services include, but are not limited to:
- Spousal Maintenance
- Appeals
- Child custody
- Post-decree disputes
- Property Division
- Parenting time (visitation)
- Paternity
- Divorce – contested, uncontested, and annulments
- Orders for protection
- Child support
Divorce is an emotional time in not only your own lives, but in the lives of your children. Even when custody issues are handled with the utmost of care, children are ultimately impacted by the divorce of their parents. Throughout this process as well as after the trial, counseling services are available to help both spouses and their families.
Please call Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC today at 651-633-4400 to discuss these issues or any other questions.
Parenting Time White Bear Lake, MN
The attorneys of Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC serving the White Bear Lake, MN area handle all aspects of family law including parenting time. Our Minneapolis family lawyers understand how important parenting time is to a child’s well being. Parenting time is the legal term for visitation. Parents should work together to decide on specific schedules that best suit the day-to-day lives of their children. Many parents find that a schedule that is developed taking into account, school calendars, summer breaks, holiday and vacation times often works best for everyone. Though it can be difficult to even speak to your former spouse, it is in the best interest of your child to work out an appropriate schedule that allows both parents access to their children.
Modifications to the parenting time schedule can be made at any time if the parties agree. If the other parent does not agree to change the schedule, a motion can be scheduled before the court. The law guiding the court provides that modification of parenting time can be made when it is shown that modification would serve the best interests of the child.
Child custody and child support do not go hand-in-hand. Even if the spouse is not current on their payments, that does not mean they do not get to see their children.
Please call Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC today at 651-633-4400 to discuss these issues or any other questions.
Paternity White Bear Lake, MN
The attorneys at Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC represent all aspects of family law including paternity concerns. The mother and father of a child born to a mother who was not married to the child’s father neither when the child was conceived nor when the child was born may, in a document signed by both of them before a notary public, declare and acknowledge under oath that they are the biological parents of the child. In the event there is no Declaration of Parentage signed, a person believing he is the biological father of a child may seek to establish Paternity through the courts.
The courts will establish paternity through:
- Genetic testing – a DNA sample is taken to determine the child’s father
- Declaration of Parentage – this is a sworn statement made by both parents recognizing who the father of the child in question is
It is very important to know your rights before either of these options are performed. Discuss this with one of our expert paternity attorneys as soon as possible. Once paternity is distinguished parenting time, child support and more can be determined.
Please call Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC today at 651-633-4400 to discuss these issues or any other questions.
Post Decree Motions White Bear Lake, MN
The divorce lawyers at Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC represent all aspects of divorce law including post decree motions. This means any motion filed after the divorce has settled. We understand that life is ever-changing and sometimes this will require modifications to your existing custody or support agreements. We will fight for you and ensure you receive the best results possible.
Post decree motions include:
- Contempt of court
- Moving out of state
- Modifications to child support
- Modifying custody
- Modifications to parenting time
- Modifications to spousal support
- Enforcement of property awards
- Enforcement of debt obligations
Please call Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC today at 651-633-4400 to discuss these issues or any other questions.