Divorce Decree Minneapolis, MN
Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC are the premier divorce lawyers in the area. Conveniently located in Roseville, MN, our law firm will assist you even after your divorce is finalized. If you have children or property together, there will always be ongoing issues. Even if your marriage is over, your children will always bind you together. Divorce decrees help to address those issues such as: property, child support, custody, and spousal maintenance.
Divorce decrees allow you or your ex
to change the terms of the divorce if:
- You want to spend more time with your children
- Your income changes
- You decide to sell the property you acquired in your divorce
- You wish to remarry
- You plan on moving out of state
- You are concerned about your child’s well being
Please call Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC today at 651-633-4400 to discuss these issues or any other questions.
Minneapolis Divorce Decree Lawyer
The most common things our law firm handles are changes to parenting time or child custody. Parenting time is easier to change than a custody agreement. We can help you achieve whatever is in the best interest of the child.
Another common divorce decree modification we deal with is changes to spousal maintenance. It is not easy to change your spousal maintenance unless something dramatic has happened. If your ex wishes to remarry, has lied about property or assets – modifications can be made.
Please call Hennek Klaenhammer Law, PLLC today at 651-633-4400 to discuss these issues or any other questions.